Sim. (@sim_v_) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos„check me out on Instagram! @sim_v_“ • 7 followers, 4 following, 154 sends, 14 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from Sim. (@sim_v_)
all time top 10
sim_v_ climbed his first 7A+/V7 with red jugs & slugs🤹🚀💪💣 7A+/SCHWARZ (Titanic).👊
sim_v_ climbed his project „Befreie Dich von Vorurteilen“🚀💃🧘🧠🔬🧬💪🏄💣🦒🔥💢🤹🧲💎🤸 7A/SCHWARZ (Worldcup).✔️
sim_v_ climbed „Jean Claude zwinkert dir zu und toppt“💢 6B+/LILA (Worldcup)👊
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