Berta Block Boulderhalle

Mühlenstraße 62, Berlin

all time top 10

  • elias.arriagadak climbed „Cursed Climbing“💎🧠 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg)👊
  • linusraatz climbed „Cursed Climbing“💎🧠 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg)👊
    linusraatzlots of fun!! little session in humid conditions last weekend with no send - did it first try today 🤌🏼
  • Jo.s_eph climbed „Preparation for Switzerland“💎💃🔥💪🧬 8A/SCHWARZ (Ekcürb)👊
    Jo.s_ephsoft probably for 8A. Amazing boulder tho 😍
  • linusraatz climbed „Preparation for Switzerland“💎💃🔥💪🧬 8A/SCHWARZ (Ekcürb) and reached a new level.👊
    linusraatzgreat climb! 😍 outdoor style, many betas, optional holds...I mean that in the best way! Not sure about the grade, might be soft for 8A, might be 8A
    • Fabian_Bnice, exactly what I want to create. 😊 👍
  • jorisbrauneis climbed his first 8A/V11 with „Preparation for Switzerland“💎💃🔥💪🧬 8A/SCHWARZ (Ekcürb).👊
  • levi climbed his project orange slopers🤹🧬 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Halfpipe).✔️
  • stephanvogt1 climbed his project orange slopers💪 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Enterprise).✔️
  • elias.arriagadak climbed his first 8A/V11 with orange slopers💪 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Enterprise).👊
  • levi climbed his project orange slopers & crimps💎💣💪🧲 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg).✔️
  • michalsalawa climbed his first 8A/V11 with black crimps💪💣 8A/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta).👊
    michalsalawaSneaky beta


  • silberlucie climbed „Grundschule Technik“🔬💢💃 6A/GRÜN (Ping Pong)🥈
  • ivdim climbed „Cliffhanger bei Omas Teestündchen“💎💃💪 6C/LILA (Dicke Berta)👊
  • wiegertdaniel flashed „super sitzstart“🔬💪 6B/LILA (Enterprise)
  • mathiashohf climbed his project violet crimps & edges💪🔬 6C/LILA (Paradies).✔️
  • rurik.kreikenbaum climbed „Mit der Macht der Karotten 🥕“🧲💎💃 7A/SCHWARZ (Plattenbau)👊
  • DrZed climbed yellow crimps & jugs🤹💪💣💃 6B+/BLAU (Beach)👊
  • DrZed climbed his project „Auf müden Beinen tanzt es sich schlecht“🔬🧠💃 6B/BLAU (Toprope).✔️
  • denn climbed orange slopers & jugs🤹🚀 6C/LILA (Paradies)👊
  • waka climbed her project „Kranke(n)gymnastik“💣💪🔥🧬🔬💃 6C/LILA (Brücke).✔️
  • Mine climbed „allgesteingut“🔬💃 6A/BLAU (Beach)👊
  • Captain climbed „lobpreiset das Wasser“🚀💪 7A/SCHWARZ (Plattenbau)👊
  • ukb_berta flashed „Kranke(n)gymnastik“💣💪🔥🧬🔬💃 6C/LILA (Brücke)
  • alexander.fleck.parada climbed „Der Enkeltrick hat funktioniert“💪🔥 6C/LILA (Brücke)👊
  • jemappellemascha climbed „Der Enkeltrick hat funktioniert“💪🔥 6C/LILA (Brücke)
  • inakzeptabel climbed black slopers & pinches💃🧘‍ 6A+/BLAU (Wave)👊
  • inakzeptabel climbed yellow jugs & volumes💪🔬🧬🧠💢🤸🧘‍💃🏄 6A/BLAU (Worldcup) and reached a new level.👊
  • kleptos flashed „Der Enkeltrick hat funktioniert“💪🔥 6C/LILA (Brücke)
  • alexander.fleck.parada climbed „Prügelnummer“💪 6B+/LILA (Submarino) and reached a new level.🥈
  • alazarenko climbed „Kranke(n)gymnastik“💣💪🔥🧬🔬💃 6C/LILA (Brücke)👊
  • marwinmoeschl climbed „Berufswunsch Pfannenwender“🧲💪 6A/BLAU (Paradies)👊

