SnorfShort people beta. Took me ages to get the hold above the big orange. So happy 🀩
    • singapursling@Snorf Hammer! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ Das sieht aus wie ein ganz anderer Boulder, wenn ich das mit meiner Beta vergleiche. Sau stark! πŸ€©πŸ‘
    • AlexπŸ‘ Interestingly you are using the mini crimp with the right hand at 0:24. Does this help taking away tension from the left hand? I struggle at 0:35 and usually have my right hand at the upper volume. However, when trying to step up with the left foot, the tension on my left hand is immediately going beyond holdable.
    • wakajuhu πŸ₯³
    • … show all 8 comments …

