Mo B. (@mywyb2) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos7 followers, 27 following, 235 sends, 8 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from Mo B. (@mywyb2)
all time top 10
mywyb2 climbed his project green crimps & slopers 6C+/Grau (Mabu).✔️
mywyb2Tricky start, low percentage crux, sketchy top. What more could you want? Great boulder! 👍
mywyb2 flashed black volumes 6B+/Rot (Death Star)⚡
mywyb2 climbed yellow slugs💎 6B/Rot (Death Star)👊
mywyb2 climbed red slugs 6A+/Rot (Death Star)🥈
mywyb2 climbed black slugs💣 6A+/Rot (Death Star)⚡
mywyb2 climbed blue slugs🚀 6A+/Rot (45 Degree)👊
mywyb2 climbed yellow slopers 6A/Rot (Mabu)⚡
mywyb2 climbed blue jugs & pinches 6B+/Rot (Balloon)👊
mywyb2 climbed black pinches & crimps 6A/Rot (Balloon)⚡
mywyb2 climbed black crimps & jugs 6A+/Rot (Balloon)⚡
mywyb2 climbed black crimps 6B/Rot (Cobra)👊
mywyb2 climbed gray crimps 6B/Rot (Mabu)👊
mywyb2 climbed red slugs🚪🧘💃 6A+/Rot (0 Degree)⚡
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