AleksandrZelenskii (@zelenskya) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos12 followers, 14 following, 582 sends, 20 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from AleksandrZelenskii (@zelenskya)
all time top 10
zelenskya climbed his project „Flash or Crash?“💎💣💪 7B/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta).✔️
zelenskya climbed his project „Pedro, Pedro, Pedro“🤹🚀🧬💣💪🧠💃 7B/SCHWARZ (Karma).✔️
zelenskyaDid a different beta in the middle part, completely ignored the volume: Grabbed the central crimp by the left hand, pulled the right leg up and then grabbed undercling with the right hand. The top move is hard!
zelenskya climbed „Schmutz unter den Nägeln ist mein Lohn“💎💪🔬 6C/LILA (Cave Draham)⚡
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