
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~7A+
Height: 179cm

all time top 10

  • zelenskya climbed his project „Flash or Crash?“💎💣💪 7B/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta).✔️
  • zelenskya climbed his project „Pedro, Pedro, Pedro“🤹🚀🧬💣💪🧠💃 7B/SCHWARZ (Karma).✔️
    zelenskyaDid a different beta in the middle part, completely ignored the volume: Grabbed the central crimp by the left hand, pulled the right leg up and then grabbed undercling with the right hand. The top move is hard!


  • zelenskya flashed blue crimps, edges & slopers🚀🤹💣💪🔬🧬🧠💎 7A+/SCHWARZ (Backboard)
  • zelenskya climbed „erstlingswerk“💪🧲🔬 7A/SCHWARZ (Tsunami)🥈
    zelenskyaNice one!
  • zelenskya climbed „leichte Arbeit an guten Griffen“💎💣🔬 7A/SCHWARZ (Beach)
  • zelenskya climbed violet crimps & slopers💪🔬💎🧲💣 6C+/LILA (Beach)
  • zelenskya climbed yellow slopers & crimps💪🔬🧠🧬 7A/LILA (Eisberg)
  • zelenskya climbed „Rüdiger keine Kapriolen“🚀💣💪🧠 6C/LILA (Eisberg)
  • zelenskya climbed „Hemoroidy“💣💎🧲 6C+/SCHWARZ (Eisberg)
  • zelenskya climbed „There's a sweet spot, right?“🔬 6C/LILA (Eisberg)
  • zelenskya climbed „Auftrag nicht erfüllt, setzen 6.“💃💪🔬 7A+/SCHWARZ (Ping Pong)👊
    zelenskyaDarn hard! I can't hold this volume with a pimp on it, so my beta is weird and harder than expected, I guess. Spent tens of attempts trying to repeat - no luck. :( Even tried to cross on the right undercling - stable, but the next move...
  • zelenskya climbed „Brot und bathangs“ 6C/LILA (Enterprise)👊
    zelenskyaNot a fan of upside down starts, but this one is pretty safe. Interesting route!
  • zelenskya climbed orange pockets💪 6A+/BLAU (Ping Pong)
  • zelenskya climbed violet slopers🧬💪 6C/LILA (Ping Pong)
  • zelenskya climbed black edges & crimps🔬🧬🧠 7A/SCHWARZ (Titanic)
  • zelenskya climbed „Pommes“🔬🧠🧬 6B+/LILA (Titanic)
  • zelenskya climbed violet jugs, pinches, crimps, edges, volumes & slugs💪💣🤸🔬 6A+/BLAU (Titanic)🥈
  • zelenskya climbed „Niauf Miautz's“💣💪🚀 6B+/LILA (Titanic)
  • zelenskya climbed „My Gender my choice“🔬🧲💃💪 6B+/ORANGE (Paradies)
  • zelenskya climbed „Bammel sammeln“🚀💪💣 7A+/SCHWARZ (Karma)👊
    • zelenskyaThe move to the 1st crimp is awesome! Contact strength precision test.
  • zelenskya climbed blue pinches, jugs, edges, crimps, slopers, slugs & volumes💪💣💎💃🧲🔥 6C/LILA (Karma)
  • zelenskya climbed „mehr Hype als neuralink“🧲💪 6B+/BLAU (Enterprise)🥈

